organization inspiration for small spaces + apartment living ~

Ah! Finally sharing with y’all just about the only thing that’s kept me sane over the past two months… my apartment organization! This post is also serving as a mini life update since moving into my new place. I went into the move knowing I wanted to pretty much start from ground zero decor wise, so I was expecting the moving process to take a little longer than it has in the past for me. However, I definitely wasn’t prepared for all that’s come with undergoing this process during global pandemic. Let me pause there and acknowledge how much 2020 has totally shaken this world. Between the pandemic and the civil unrest due to deep rooted issues in our country, I’ve really taken a step back this year as it’s been nearly impossible for me to get online and hit ‘post’. I’ve struggled with the relevancy of lifestyle content with so many other things needing the space to be amplified – people loosing their jobs, getting sick, grieving lost loved ones, and the countless other struggles people have been burdened with because of the pandemic. The best word I can think of to summarize all of it is heavy.
With all of this weighing so heavily on my heart and in the forefront of my mind, I had to voice that I’m not naive to that fact that there are far larger issues in our world than moving during a pandemic. I am not desensitized to these things. It’s taken me months to figure out where I can fit into the solution for unity.
OK – back to business. 😉 I moved into my new apartment in late August. Since then, I’ve pretty much been dealing with backorders and shipment delays for every. single. thing. I’m not talking a week, two weeks, or even a month… I’m talking expected availability in January 2021… so that’s been fun. I’m a person who tends to think about the next two steps ahead as opposed to just being where my feet are. I could work on a project forever trying to perfect it, even if it’s probably already done. This year has really forced me to face that head on. I’ve learned how to find calm in the chaos. REAL TALK. Good things take time.
I partnered with NEAT Method to take over my apartment organization. They helped me get my kitchen and office space squared away and ready for my new furniture (whenever that may be). They’re actually helping me with my whole space, so keep an eye out for even more organization inspiration. To start, I’m giving y’all a look into my kitchen cabinets, pantry, and desk/office area. The kitchen and office space are connected to the living room (basically one big room), so I spend majority of my time in there. It was really important to me that everything had a ‘home’ and was functional + maintainable. From my spices, to my silverware and snacks, NEAT Method did an amazing job organizing everything in a way that makes sense for me. Even everything in “junk drawer” has a place. All of the NEAT Method + The Container Store products used will be linked at the end of this post! Enjoy these ~aesthetic~ pics. (p.s. please ignore the empty shelves – I hadn’t started styling decor when we shot this content… more to come!) ♥️



NEAT Method has 75 locations all around the country + Canada—see here to find the team nearest you and turn your organization dreams into reality.
cc: @dallashighlandparkneat x @neatmethod
Wow looks amazing!! I bet it feels amazing too!